Cattle Breeding – Bosnia And Herzegovina
Milk and meat are the main agricultural products of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and they are produced in small private farms. Dairy dominates in agricultural production and livestock farming and generally provides nearly 60 percent of GDP from agriculture (UNDP, 2013). Dealing with livestock allowed production of a great range of products such as milk, cheese etc. In this way, farmers can produce these products for their own household use and any sell at the market in order to improve their household budget.
In order to contribute towards poverty alleviation and in an attempt to help underprivileged families in rural areas of B&H, Muslim Aid is planning to implement the project “Poverty reduction and income generation through cattle breeding”.
The overall project objective is poverty reduction and improving living conditions of citizens in four municipalities (to be decided). Implementing the project that support development of farming including cattle breeding is the best way to reduce poverty and help people in rural areas of B&H.